Fabula Rasa

“Before there was time, there was a wish. Something wished for life – and it became so. Then someone wished for purpose – and it became so. Then someone wished to know what the purpose was – and so there became a codex.

Vacant were its many pages.”

From the Palaver of Creation

Author Unknown

Fabula Rasa – a portmanteau of “Fabula Ultima”, the game system we are playing with, and “Tabula Rasa” which means “Blank Slate”

As a change of pace from Leotmaers of Yarmouth, Fabula Rasa is a silly game by its very nature. Keeping with tradition, I’m asking my players big, important, philosophical questions that none of us have the right to answer. This is an easy one though. Fabula Rasa is all about asking my players “What is the purpose of life?”

You know, easy stuff. I hope you enjoy this love letter to JRPGs, Anime, and some of my favorite media.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text